Monday, November 2, 2009

The Love of Family

One of the hardest things for me in life has been when I've lived away from family. I have such a wonderful family...they are always supportive, we always have a lot of fun and it's easy to be in my comfort zone with them.
I know so many families that don't have any sort of relationship with their family members. Next to my husband and kids, my mom and sisters are my best friends. I know that I can always count on my dad and brothers to help us with projects around the house.
Since our unfortunate financial situtation, the love of my family has been even greater. We've recieved a lot of help from my family. Nothing big, and usually not in a monetary nature. However, it's the little things that have been blessings. Phone calls of concern, offers of babysitting, info on job openings, etc. My parents and siblings just seem to know what we need and how they can help us. They don't ask us what they can do for us, they just do it. I feel so blessed and loved.
I do feel bad for those people that think they can do it alone. That's not what life is about. I know that my family never expects anything in return, but I hope that one day I can help them out. I don't hope that they get into a financial bind, I just hope that I can return that same love.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So, Have I Ever Mentioned...

...that I was a really good jump roper when I was younger? Check this out:

Okay, I WISH!!!! Why didn't they have something like that when I was younger? So amazing!

Friday, August 14, 2009

I Vant to Suck Your Blood!

Okay, is it sick that I enjoy giving blood? I know...weird. Needles have never bothered me, so I don't mind giving a little time to give blood. It's definately for a good cause. Yesterday I had the opportunity to give blood once again. I was kind of looking forward to it since I haven't been able to for a while (between pregnancies and the restrictions from having lived in Europe) so I was more than happy to volunteer. Nothing unusual happend. I signed in, they checked to make sure my blood was good (one time I got turned down because I was low on iron), I sat for a while waiting for a vacant bed, then when I got on the bed, the tech was pretty quick about getting my arm cleaned and even drew a cute, little, purple rectangle around my vein that she was going to poke, and out came the blood. It only took about 5 minutes and then I was done. Pretty simple. My arm was wrapped in a green tape and Aydon became a little intrigued with it once I got home. He kept asking me if my arm was hurt. Later, when I was able to take the bandage off, he kept telling me "Eww...gross". Then he wanted to touch it. Funny kid. Unfortunately, I still have the cute, little, purple rectangle on my arm today. I promise, I tried scrubbing it off last night and today, but since the area is still a little sensitive, I didn't try super hard. Oh well, I can live with it for a day or two.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When You're In the Service...

This morning I had the opportunity to go to the Ogden cannery to volunteer with canning green beans. Oddly enough, the only other time that I've done it, we did green beans, too. While my task was a little monotonous, it gave me a lot of time to think about what a blessing the cannery is to people all over the world.
Today we canned over 20,000 cans od beans. I thought about how many people that will help. Before we actually started, the brother that was giving us instructions told us that normally they would only plant about 80 acres of beans. This year they planted over 180 acres! And what a need it has been. Somebody commented that it is quite evident who is the head of our church. Divine inspiration! As I watched the whole process and looked at the dozens of volunteers and service missionaries, I realized how very few people in the whole welfare system get paid. That's how the Lord wants it. We need to serve one another.
Usually, those who volunteer have access to buying other canned goods from the cannery. However, because there is such a need for food right now, volunteers could only purchase a limited number of beans, nothing else. That would have been a great reward in itself, but seeing how we have access to beans from my grandparents, I was not worried about buying any beans and I was able to see the blessings elsewhere. Just the knowledge the the Lord watches out for His children is a blessing.
I feel so grateful to have been apart of this opportunity, knowing that thousands of my brothers and sisters throughout the world will benefit from the help I gave today. It kind of reminds me of the Friends episode when Phoebe talks about there is no unselfish act because no matter what it is you do, you always get that warm feeling inside from doing something good. So be it...I like that warm feeling inside from helping others.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Best Friends!

When I first moved to Arizona, I was a little concerned about what my social life might be like. I was going down there all by myself and knew nobody. So, to my grateful surprise, it was such a relief to find 3 other girls in the same situation. We all quickly became friends.
One of the girls, Nikki, and I became roommates and good friends. Even though I was the more serious and cautious one and Nikki was the silly, goofy, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants one, we were perfect for each other. We had a good balance. She helped be to be a little more relaxed and have fun, while I had to keep her from doing some things that she might regret later. It really was great! The hardest part for me when I got married was losing her as a roommate.
Even though there were 4 of us to begin with, our little circle expanded and we loved getting to know other people and hang out with them. Some of the best friendships I have come from that time in my life.
Fortunately, a couple of those friends have also moved to Utah and so I get to see them frequently. "A" thinks they are great and gets really excited when they come around. Of course, it's probably because they have as much energy as he does.
Well, last week, Nikki gave me a call and told me that they (she, Sandra and Emily) wanted to come down and fix us dinner and watch the kids for us so we could enjoy a night out. I was really excited. Nikki is a wonderful cook! Then, on top of that, later that day, I recieve a little package full of goodies from them. Just a sweet little "We're thinking of you." It was so nice and meant so much.
Well, last night they came with food and fun. "A" was literally bouncing off the walls with excitement. Then, they gave us tickets to go see a movie and they stayed to watch the kids. We went and saw "The Proposal". It was so stinkin funny! While it was a romantic comedy, I felt like it was more of a comedy, which was perfect (I'm not much into sappy romance stuff myself)!
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful, thoughtful friends. Sometimes I feel like I don't do enough for my friends and they still seem to think about me. I love you guys! Your friendship brings so much joy to my life!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My New Favorite Show

Have you ever watched a show and thought to yourself, "That was really fun. No fighting. No drama. I feel 'uplifted'?" I have! A few years ago when we were in the process of moving from Arizona to Utah. I discovered the first of a few great shows like that. Steve had already made the move to Utah, and I was left in Arizona with my baby (although he's no longer a baby) to try and get the house sold for 2 months. At night, after I put the baby to bed, sometimes I would let my mind wander and I would start to think about horrible, scary things, all because I didn't really have anybody to talk with. Then, I discovered a show on TV, "Little People, Big World." I was hooked. I would work on projects and watch that show in the evenings. I loved that I didn't have to think too deeply, it was fun and light, and an all around good show. I still watch that on occassion. Last summer, I started watching "Jon and Kate Plau 8", and, although there's a lot of controvery surrounding that show right now, I still watch it occasionally. Now, I have a new favorite show, thanks once again to the people of TLC. The show..."The Little Couple." As noted by the name, it's about 2 smaller people (Jen is barely over 3 feet tall and her husband, Bill, is 4 feet tall). Jen is a doctor and Bill is a businessman. They are the cutest couple and I love watching them go through what most of us go through each day. It comes on TLC on Tuesday nights (or you can catch reruns throughout the day). I've now found myself getting excited to check my DVR recordings to see if there's a new episcode that I haven't seen yet (okay, the series just started not too long ago and I've only seen 2 episodes so far). You've got to check it out sometime. What a joy!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rain and Fasting

When I was serving my mission in Holland, I LOVED when we had rain storms. They came more frequently than not, but I still cherished every little storm we had. On one of my first days in the Netherlands, my companion and I were riding along a canal when it started to rain. It was so fun to be riding in and not even care. It was great! I have other fond memories of rain camping at our cabin in our trailer and playing games while the rain came down. I loved listening to it hit the roof of the trailer and run down through the leaves on the trees. When I moved to Arizona, the day my roommate and I moved into our apartment, we were caught in the middle of a monsoon rainstorm. We had to dash in and out of our apartment to unload stuff and by the time we were done, we were drenched. We didn't even care that we were headed to a broadway show that night. It all added the memories. This morning I had a really hard time getting out of bed because I was just enjoying laying in bed and feeling the cool breeze come into our room and listening the rain (I love sleeping with the windows open). I know...a lot of people don't really enjoy it, and don't get me wrong, I could never live in Washington State with all the rain, but I love having a good rain storm. I guess it makes me appreciate the warmer and dryer days more. I feel the same way with a good snow storm. It's especially awesome if you don't have to go anywhere and just snuggle up with a loved one and read a book or watch a good movie. 'em!
I've also had time today to reflect on the blessings that come from fasting. Since I've been pregnant or nursing for the last 18 months, I haven't been able to fast. Today was the first opportunity I have had since then. I'll admit, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do it, and I thought I'd have to give in just before we left for church, but I know that the Lord blesses those that make sacrifices, especially when fasting. I made it through our fasting period and I wish I could say that Steve had found a job, but let's face it, it is Sunday and nobody will be calling even to set up an interview, but I know that something will happen soon. Of course, soon may be on the Lord's time, not ours, but I know we will be taken care of. I've said it before, but I have to again, how do people get through trials without the gospel?! This trial we are going through has reminded me of the blessings I have (especially the little ones) and what is really important in life. I have a wonderful husband that treats me like a queen and 2 beautiful and healthy children that seem to adore me (I didn't mind at all that they both wanted to sit on my lap today during church).
I have found so much joy in the little blessings in my life recently. I can't imagine being anywhere else or with anybody else in my life. Life may be crazy right now, but it's still good!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tough Times

I don't know that I have ever felt such a range of emotions as I have this past week. Unfortunately, most of the emotions have been that of sadness.
Earlier last week, a missionary from my mission passed away. I was actually surprised at how much it affected me. It made me start to really truly think about and appreciate my health. Then, midweek, I had a dear friend deliver her baby 8 weeks early. Sadly, he passed away 2 days later. I was sickened by all of this and hated to hear people tell me to watch out because "things happen in threes."
And that brings me to the last bad event. To move beyond, and to simply put it, we are looking for new employment.
So, as I have tried looking for some "silver lining" in all of this, I have reassessed the blessings that I have. Things could be so much worse! But I have my family! My husband is such a hard worker and hasn't let this slow him up. I have 2 beautiful and healthy and happy kids that seems to worship my every move. I really couldn't ask for more. I also have loving, concerned parents who have given us many words of encouragement and advice (I know that isn't always good, but they have been there and done that).
Most importantly, I have the gospel of Jesus Christ and we have worked hard to follow the prophets and heed their council. I know that we will grow closer as a family and be so much stronger as we go through these trials. "And this is my joy!"

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This One's On Me!

I just had to blog about this. It totally made my day...
Last week, after spending the day at the aquarium and having dinner with just my husband, we were headed back to my sisters house to pick up the kids. We were stopped at a light next to a small convience store. As we were sitting there, and realizing we still had a little bit of a drive home after picking up the kids, we decided to stop and grab a drink to share. Steve pulled up and I hopped out and ran in to get the drink. When I got in, the lone worker was cleaning up and around the pop dispenser, so I mentioned that I felt bad that I was going to make him stop working and ruin his cleanup job. He said he didn't mind and we exchange a few other "pleasantires." Okay, I really don't remember what I said and I really don't think I flirted with him. Hello, I'm married! And I've never been much of a flirt. So, what happened next took me by surprise. After grabbing the lid and straw for my drink. I told the clerk that I had what I needed and was ready to pay.
He then asked me if I really had all that I wanted. I said, "Yes."
He said, "Okay, bye!"
I said, "How much do I owe?"
He said, "Nothing."
I said, "No, really, how much do I owe?"
And again he said, "Nothing. It's on me! Have a good evening and don't argue with me."
I stood there a little shocked still. Did this man just by me a drink? I know I mentioned that my husband was out in the car. I didn't want to argue with him, but I was just so shocked!
Okay, he was probably just being nice and didn't want to be bothered with "ringing up" for a little drink, but I would like to think that maybe he was trying to flirt with me or something. Do I still have that in me? Not that I'm looking or anything. I am happily married! It was just kind of weird and a little exhilirating. I haven't had that kind of experience for a while (about a year after I got married, I was trying to help some friends flirt with some guys, you know encouraging them on, my friends, not the guys, and one of the guys started to flirt with me. Oops! I quickly, and non-challantely, showed him my ring. It was funny!)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Op Zoek Naar Maria (Watch out For Maria!)
One of my companions from my mission sent this to me a couple of weeks ago. I know it's making it's way around the web, but I still laugh every time I see it. So, I just had to add it here.
This brings me joy for a couple of reasons. First, it's just so funny how spontaneous it appears. And I love how the on-lookers react...some join in, others just gawk. Second, since this happened in the Antwerpe Train Station, I feel a little connection to it. While serving my mission in Belguim, I went through this train station a few times. It's really a beautiful station. But I also love the announcer over the intercom. Mooi!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I've heard comments before about how much life changes when you have a baby. It's true. Life does change. Sure, there's the little sleep from multiple middle-of-the-night feedings. There's events you may have to miss out on because you have a baby. Your time is no longer yours. Life really does change.'s all for the better. I can't even imagine life before I had kids. That life seems like such a distant world. I've become less selfish (I hope). I've made small sacrifices that before kids would have seemed huge. has become so much more meaningful. I love motherhood!
Yes, it's hard when your toddler throws tantrums in the middle of church (thank goodness it doesn't happen often). Yes, it's hard when you get halfway through your morning workout and your baby wakes up and wants to eat NOW. But nothing is harder than the opportunities I would miss if I weren't a mother.
Since my 2 1/2 year old was born, I have never missed an opportunity to go into his room at night before I go to bed to whisper, "I love you, " and kiss him goodnight. I now get to do the same with my baby. I often wonder how long I will get to do that.
I love having playtime with my kids. Nothing beats building a train track with your toddler only to watch the baby crawl over and try her hardest to destroy it. We all laugh and then get into tickle wars. Such sweet sounds!
Neither of my kids are real "mama's" kids. They enjoy going to and playing with their dad, or other people. But I love the reception I get when I come home after leaving them to go to meetings or grocery shopping.
Being a mother has made me realize just how precious life is! I do dread my kids getting older, but I know that as they do, there will be even more of them to enjoy. I am so grateful that my parents set a great example of family life. I now have that desire to build strong relations with my kids and make great memories.
I remember my toddler going through a phase of calling me, "Mama." It was kind of funny and not what I expected to ever be called (I thought for sure "mommy" would be first). But, I felt this way then and I feel this way ever it is said, "Mom" is the sweetest thing I've ever heard and being a mom is the best career I could have ever chosen!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Popcorn Popping

Since we have been experiencing some beautiful weather the past few days, we've been able to go out to enjoy it. This morning we went for a walk and I noticed that most trees are budding...popcorn! Although, I hate to admit it, I've been dreeding having to go outside to work (I don't know why, normally I enjoy working in the gardens), it was nice to get out to clean up the flowerbeads and get them ready for the tulips and daffodils to look beautiful when they bloom (there's just something about weeds that can take away from the beauty). I enjoy this time of year. I really don't know anybody that doesn't like spring. It's a nice change from the winter. It's not too hot to enjoy. There's a lot of new stuff going on. It's just a great time of year, and I'm happy it's just about here.
Oh, yeah, did I mention that I'm also excited for tax season to be over with?!!! Oh, I love spring!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Okay, I thought this was pretty funny that it was a tie. Am I really like Jack and Chloe?

Which 24 Character Are You?

You are part Jack Bauer. You are an aggressive and heroic figure. You think rules are only for kids, and try to break them at least once everyday (or hour). You like to get help from others especially your best friends. To complete a task, you are willing to do whatever it takes - be it the right way or the wrong one. Also, you could totally kick Chuck Norris' ass.

You are part Chloe. You are the doer in any group. This is not a bad thing, as you are the only person who can do those things beyond the control and realm of other beings. As a very caring person, you're emotionally attached to others, though from the outside you might seem to be very aggressive.

Find Your Character @

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Yes, The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies, but I wanted to write about another of my favorite things...great deals! I've always loved getting great deals. I guess I enjoy making my "dollar stretch" a little further. Last fall I really got into coupon clipping. I've been amazed at the great deals I can get. For example: 10 bags of Malt-o-Meal cereal for free! Yep, FREE! I recently bought boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $1.30/ lb. Awesome! And just the other day, I bought my daughter 3 pairs of pants for $1 each. I just love a great deal. I would much rather buy something when it is cheaper and stock up on it than to have to pay full price for it. As a result, I've been able to build up our food storage pretty good. We've still got a long way to get to the 2 year supply, but we're working on it.
So, speaking of my favorite things and great deals...I've mentioned before that I've become a digital scrapbook addict. It is so easy to do and fun! I have completed my son's 2 second year album and am working on the third year. The other day I came across a digital scrapbooking website. It's actually a blog that a stay at home mom has and she creates and posts kits on her blog. They are the cutest kits I've come across. The boy kits actually look boyish, not babyish. The best part about can download the kits for FREE! Oh, I was happy about that. I'll admit, it took a while to download all the kits, but it has been worth it. This woman is truly amazing and talented. Thank you Summer!!! (I'll include a link on the side so you can check it out.)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

And so it begins...

We're into the third year of it; yet, I haven't found it any easier. Tax Season!!! Steve is now gone from 6:30 in the morning until around 7 at night and gone on Saturdays, too. We all miss him. "A" struggles waking up and not seeing his daddy...several mornings I've had to run to him (so he doesn't wake up the baby) as he is calling (not screaming or crying) for daddy. No, I'm not sad he doesn't call for me and it doesn't surprise me. For a while now, he has been getting up and spending morning time with daddy (either playing, watching cartoons or reading). Of course, this all started when I had the baby and Steve wanted to give me a little more sleep so he would get up with the older one and I could take care of myself and the baby. It has been great! As for the baby...she notices that her daddy isn't around much, too. As soon as Steve walks in the door at night, she starts kicking her legs, grinning and doing whatever she can to get his attention. She has become a little Daddy's Girl. As for me, oh how I miss him. I've never taken him for granted, but tax season reminds me how nice it is to have him around. I want the kids to get to see him at night, so I let them stay up a little longer than usual, but at the same time, I want some alone time with him as well. So it's been kind of tricky getting a routine that we can all work with.
I know that I reflect on my joys on this blog, so you're probably wondering where it's at. Well, I think about the rest of the year when we get to have Steve home on a lot of Fridays, it's pretty easy for him to take time off for family vacations, his hard work allows me to stay home with the kids, and April 15th is just around the corner...kind of. Okay, I know it's still a couple of months away, but who's counting? We haven't made our chain-link count-down (you know, the ones you made in elementary school to count down the days until Christmas) and hung it up...yet! And so, it is just the end of January and it has already begun!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Mamma Mia!

Here I go again....So, can you guess what this post about? I really don't know when I started liking ABBA, but I don't ever remember them not being one of my favorite groups. I know, I'm not really old enough to be apart of that era, but I love their music. ABBA Gold was one of the first cd's I ever bought (second to Yani...remember him?). Anyway, several years ago, before I was even married, I had the opportunity to go see the broadway production of Mamma Mia in Tempe, AZ with several good friends of mine. I really enjoyed it then and I was so happy I had all the songs on cd already...that meant I could sing along at the top of my lungs right away. But, after a few months, it went back into my cd case and was listened to only on occassion. Well, with the release of Mamma Mia, the movie, my love for ABBA has been renewed. Over the holiday break, we (my mom, sisters, sisters-in-law and nieces and even the "men" occasionally popped in to watch the flipper scene) watched it a couple of times and everytime, we all belted out the songs and, when possible, broke out in spontaneous dance. Even my little girl got a few dance moves in with me. It was so fun and just shows that ABBA is a classic. Mamma Mia definately ranks right up there with Grease and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. I don't own the movie; yet, but one day it will be added to my classic movie collection!