Friday, April 3, 2009


I've heard comments before about how much life changes when you have a baby. It's true. Life does change. Sure, there's the little sleep from multiple middle-of-the-night feedings. There's events you may have to miss out on because you have a baby. Your time is no longer yours. Life really does change.'s all for the better. I can't even imagine life before I had kids. That life seems like such a distant world. I've become less selfish (I hope). I've made small sacrifices that before kids would have seemed huge. has become so much more meaningful. I love motherhood!
Yes, it's hard when your toddler throws tantrums in the middle of church (thank goodness it doesn't happen often). Yes, it's hard when you get halfway through your morning workout and your baby wakes up and wants to eat NOW. But nothing is harder than the opportunities I would miss if I weren't a mother.
Since my 2 1/2 year old was born, I have never missed an opportunity to go into his room at night before I go to bed to whisper, "I love you, " and kiss him goodnight. I now get to do the same with my baby. I often wonder how long I will get to do that.
I love having playtime with my kids. Nothing beats building a train track with your toddler only to watch the baby crawl over and try her hardest to destroy it. We all laugh and then get into tickle wars. Such sweet sounds!
Neither of my kids are real "mama's" kids. They enjoy going to and playing with their dad, or other people. But I love the reception I get when I come home after leaving them to go to meetings or grocery shopping.
Being a mother has made me realize just how precious life is! I do dread my kids getting older, but I know that as they do, there will be even more of them to enjoy. I am so grateful that my parents set a great example of family life. I now have that desire to build strong relations with my kids and make great memories.
I remember my toddler going through a phase of calling me, "Mama." It was kind of funny and not what I expected to ever be called (I thought for sure "mommy" would be first). But, I felt this way then and I feel this way ever it is said, "Mom" is the sweetest thing I've ever heard and being a mom is the best career I could have ever chosen!

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