Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rain and Fasting

When I was serving my mission in Holland, I LOVED when we had rain storms. They came more frequently than not, but I still cherished every little storm we had. On one of my first days in the Netherlands, my companion and I were riding along a canal when it started to rain. It was so fun to be riding in and not even care. It was great! I have other fond memories of rain camping at our cabin in our trailer and playing games while the rain came down. I loved listening to it hit the roof of the trailer and run down through the leaves on the trees. When I moved to Arizona, the day my roommate and I moved into our apartment, we were caught in the middle of a monsoon rainstorm. We had to dash in and out of our apartment to unload stuff and by the time we were done, we were drenched. We didn't even care that we were headed to a broadway show that night. It all added the memories. This morning I had a really hard time getting out of bed because I was just enjoying laying in bed and feeling the cool breeze come into our room and listening the rain (I love sleeping with the windows open). I know...a lot of people don't really enjoy it, and don't get me wrong, I could never live in Washington State with all the rain, but I love having a good rain storm. I guess it makes me appreciate the warmer and dryer days more. I feel the same way with a good snow storm. It's especially awesome if you don't have to go anywhere and just snuggle up with a loved one and read a book or watch a good movie. 'em!
I've also had time today to reflect on the blessings that come from fasting. Since I've been pregnant or nursing for the last 18 months, I haven't been able to fast. Today was the first opportunity I have had since then. I'll admit, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do it, and I thought I'd have to give in just before we left for church, but I know that the Lord blesses those that make sacrifices, especially when fasting. I made it through our fasting period and I wish I could say that Steve had found a job, but let's face it, it is Sunday and nobody will be calling even to set up an interview, but I know that something will happen soon. Of course, soon may be on the Lord's time, not ours, but I know we will be taken care of. I've said it before, but I have to again, how do people get through trials without the gospel?! This trial we are going through has reminded me of the blessings I have (especially the little ones) and what is really important in life. I have a wonderful husband that treats me like a queen and 2 beautiful and healthy children that seem to adore me (I didn't mind at all that they both wanted to sit on my lap today during church).
I have found so much joy in the little blessings in my life recently. I can't imagine being anywhere else or with anybody else in my life. Life may be crazy right now, but it's still good!


Amy said...

Thank you so much for your thoughts today. I appreciate them. I know you will be blessed. :0)And are blessed in many ways.

Tasha said...

Sometimes I miss fasting too. I've only gotten to fast once in almost four years and the irony of it is that that one time was to know if we should get pregnant again :). And I love your thoughts on the rain. I am totally with you on that. The best is to listen to it coming down on a tin roof. Awesome. This week has been so fun with all the rain storms. I hope Steve can find a job soon. The unknown is always so disheartening.