Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Op Zoek Naar Maria (Watch out For Maria!)

One of my companions from my mission sent this to me a couple of weeks ago. I know it's making it's way around the web, but I still laugh every time I see it. So, I just had to add it here.
This brings me joy for a couple of reasons. First, it's just so funny how spontaneous it appears. And I love how the on-lookers react...some join in, others just gawk. Second, since this happened in the Antwerpe Train Station, I feel a little connection to it. While serving my mission in Belguim, I went through this train station a few times. It's really a beautiful station. But I also love the announcer over the intercom. Mooi!


DeAnn said...

It was fun to see the train station again!

Amy Mann said...

Thanks for posting that Joni, I loved it! How fun would that be to see and how cool that you have been there. Very fun.