Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tough Times

I don't know that I have ever felt such a range of emotions as I have this past week. Unfortunately, most of the emotions have been that of sadness.
Earlier last week, a missionary from my mission passed away. I was actually surprised at how much it affected me. It made me start to really truly think about and appreciate my health. Then, midweek, I had a dear friend deliver her baby 8 weeks early. Sadly, he passed away 2 days later. I was sickened by all of this and hated to hear people tell me to watch out because "things happen in threes."
And that brings me to the last bad event. To move beyond, and to simply put it, we are looking for new employment.
So, as I have tried looking for some "silver lining" in all of this, I have reassessed the blessings that I have. Things could be so much worse! But I have my family! My husband is such a hard worker and hasn't let this slow him up. I have 2 beautiful and healthy and happy kids that seems to worship my every move. I really couldn't ask for more. I also have loving, concerned parents who have given us many words of encouragement and advice (I know that isn't always good, but they have been there and done that).
Most importantly, I have the gospel of Jesus Christ and we have worked hard to follow the prophets and heed their council. I know that we will grow closer as a family and be so much stronger as we go through these trials. "And this is my joy!"


jennielouwho said...

Oh Joni, I am sorry to hear that things are rough right now. I have so enjoyed reading your blogs and remembering what an amazing person you are. I hope that things work out quickly with a new job for you guys. You have such great faith and a great attitude, so I know that you will be greatly blessed. Thanks for being such a great example to me!

The Browns said...

Sorry to hear about all the tough things that are happening in your lives right now. You have probably received much advice and words of encouragement. Know that your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.