Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Days of Gratitude

Since I haven't shared some of my joys in a while, I figured I better get my tail in gear and share a little joy (it's that time of year, right?). But these joys will come a little differently.
When I first got out on my mission, I really struggled. I was so disappointed in myself that I couldn't be happy with where I was. Afterall I had chosen to serve a mission, and I was in such a beautiful country (have you seen "The Best Two Years?, that was my mission), with so many new opportunities wide open for me. But, it came down to missing home...my family, the familiarness of home, speaking english...it seemed like so many things that made me homesick. Then, after talking with my mission president and lots of prayer, I started to keep a different kind of journal. A gratitude journal. Everday I wrote down something that I was grateful for, including something about the country and something about missionary work (2 things everyday). Somedays it was something as simple as seeing 2 cute little kitties in a window-sill of a house we were knocking on (and I'm not really a fan of cats) and sometimes it was getting to take my picture by a windmill along a canal while sitting on top of an overturned row boat...I need to get some pictures scanned from my mission. After a very few short weeks, my attitude completely changed and I started to love everything about my mission (okay, it still wasn't fun have doors slammed in our faces, but it was funny hearing people tell us in english that they weren't interesting ...you read that right, interesting, not interested).
So, my point...once in a while I need to keep a gratitude journal to remind me of my blessings.
Since it is the beginning of November, I have decided that I am going to share my "Days of Gratitude," one everyday through the month. I am actually posting my gratitudes on Facebook daily, but I'll being going into a little more detail on this blog every few days. So, I hope you enjoy and I hope that this might inspire you to look out for your little blessings everyday.

1 comment:

jennielouwho said...

Thanks Joni, it's something I need.