Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Days of Gratitude #1 and #2

Day #1
I am so grateful for a loving and patient husband, who is a wonderful father and provides for our family.
Steve is an amazing person. He has never expected me to have a perfectly cleaned house with dinner on the table as soon as he gets home from work. He loves everything I eat, and if he doesn't he wouldn't say otherwise (I actually begged him to tell me he hates something I made when we were first married, but he told me that he really does love everything I make...he's somewhat easy to please). He is always so willing to step in and help with whatever I need, whether it's cleaning the house, fixing dinner, or even making a late night run when I'm pregnant (I think he felt bad that I never sent him on one when I was pregnant with Aydon, so when I was pregnant with Eri, I made sure I did). And on top of that, he is so great about helping out with the kids. He puts them to bed most nights, he bathes them, he even watches them for me while I go grocery shopping. And he willingly changes the poopy diapers. Now that's a man for ya!
The other day, my mom and I were talking about one of her friends who has a daughter that she was concerned about. Apparently, the daughter's husband has decided that he is done with working (he's in his 40's) and he now relys on his wife's teacher salary to provide for their family. Sadly, I know of a lot of these types of cases...husbands/fathers who don't seem to have a lot of direction in life, and leave it up to the wife to take care of, in all manners, the family. Isn't marriage a partnership? I know that there are cases where the husband stays home with the kids because the wife's salary is better, but what about the cases where the husband has no marketable skills, can't hold down a job, or won't have a job because it's "just too hard?" Man...I am so grateful for a husband that does everything he can to provide for our family!

Day #2
I have the right to vote...and I did!
When I taught Civics a few years ago, I think it really made me realize just how important voting is, and what a privilege it is to vote, not just as an American, but as a woman. I will forever be grateful for the women who were continuously persecuted for fighting for their write to vote. What a blessing it is to let my voice be heard.

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