Friday, November 7, 2008

Lessons Taught/ Lessons Learned

As a parent of a toddler, I know that it's not too early to start teaching some valuable life lessons. We recently had a Family Home Evening (we used the new Nursery Manual...if you don't have one and you have little kids...get one! It's amazing!!!) on sharing. I wasn't sure how my two-year-old would respond, or if he would really learn anything from it, but we decided to give it a shot. It turns out, he did learn something. He still struggles and has to be reminded, but that's part of the learning process. Last week, we got a visit from "A's" little cousins. While they were squirming around on the floor, "A" took his beloved train and "shared" it with the little boy. I was kind of shocked that he did it all on his own. "A" has also been pretty good at sharing his snacks with me, also without a prompting, and shares his toys with his little sister (he always makes sure she has a car, a boat, even a book when he's playing...he even shares his hats...see my other blog). As I watch him share with others, I have realized how much joy this has brought me. Not only because he is sharing, but he also learned something from Family Home Evening and the lesson wasn't all in vain!


Tasha said...

Awesome Joni! I remember when Evan first figured it out and he kept putting big, heavy toys on Zion's newborn face. It was hard to discipline him for being so nice.

Bonnie said...

Isn't it amazing how kids learn things just when you think they"ve not heard a thing you find out they know it all. It also goes to show that we have to be careful about what they watch on TV and what they hear.