Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Excitement

I don't know if it's simply because of the season. Maybe it's because it's the ultimate shoppers
dream. Two words: Black Friday! I am seriously so excited. I've been working so hard this month to stick to our budget and have a little extra for shopping. The funniest part?...I'm not even after anything in particular. I just love to go. I love getting up early, pulling on something warm and comfortable without even bothering about it being cute (in the past I've worn some things that normally I wouldn't be caught dead in), standing in the lines waiting for the doors to open, the shoving and pushing (and yes, getting shoved and pushed), running to some "great" deal, standing in line again to check goes on. And it all sounds crazy. The first year we were married I dragged Steve with me to Kohl's. Shortly (and yes I mean shortly) after entering the doors, I sent Steve to stand in line to check out. He thought I was crazy since I didn't have everything I wanted. So, when I pointed to the end of the line which was already wrapped around to the back of the store, he realized what I had just gotten him in to. I think he vowed to never go again. Thank goodness for the Krispy Kreme's we got on the way cheered him up. However, now I stick with my mom and sisters as shopping partners. It's great! I really don't know why, but I am getting so excited about it. Crazy, I know!


Amy said...

I am jealous! I have to work at 5:30 am, so if you feel like standing in the long lines at Bath and Body Works...I will be there smiling at you! Have fun.

Jeanette said...

I feel guilty telling people that I love it. I don't know why but I totally dig it!

Tasha said...

So how did it go? Any great deals. There was only one thing I wanted to get after looking at the ads, so I decided to pass (plus none of my sis's wanted to go with me). Hope you had a great time.