Friday, August 14, 2009

I Vant to Suck Your Blood!

Okay, is it sick that I enjoy giving blood? I know...weird. Needles have never bothered me, so I don't mind giving a little time to give blood. It's definately for a good cause. Yesterday I had the opportunity to give blood once again. I was kind of looking forward to it since I haven't been able to for a while (between pregnancies and the restrictions from having lived in Europe) so I was more than happy to volunteer. Nothing unusual happend. I signed in, they checked to make sure my blood was good (one time I got turned down because I was low on iron), I sat for a while waiting for a vacant bed, then when I got on the bed, the tech was pretty quick about getting my arm cleaned and even drew a cute, little, purple rectangle around my vein that she was going to poke, and out came the blood. It only took about 5 minutes and then I was done. Pretty simple. My arm was wrapped in a green tape and Aydon became a little intrigued with it once I got home. He kept asking me if my arm was hurt. Later, when I was able to take the bandage off, he kept telling me "Eww...gross". Then he wanted to touch it. Funny kid. Unfortunately, I still have the cute, little, purple rectangle on my arm today. I promise, I tried scrubbing it off last night and today, but since the area is still a little sensitive, I didn't try super hard. Oh well, I can live with it for a day or two.

1 comment:

erneke said...

HI Joni,

i hope this works, trying to leave you a message. I googled my name a while ago, just for fun and all of the hits were me, except for one hit on your family blog. I read you had a daughter and her name is Erneke!!! I think that's so awesome. I guess that must mean you remember me :)

I would like to sdtay in touch with you. We have kids at about the same age. I have two sons names Landon and Dante. How are things for you? Do you stil speak dutch and have you ever gone back to holland?

if you'd like, you can e-mail me at I hope to hear from you!!
