Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Dates with Myself

Before I got married, every Wednesday night, my roommate and I would go "grocery" shopping together and call it our "Date Night". It was a lot of fun and it was nice having a set date that I would go and do this weekly "chore". It was an extra bonus to have a great friend to go with.
When I got married, due to work and my calling at the time (Young Women's, Wednesday nights were activity nights) my weekly grocery shopping trip occurred on Saturday mornings usually. And, since Steve hates shopping, I usually did it on my own. This has never bothered me, but it made shopping less exciting (compared to what it had been). Then, when I had my first child, I discovered that I could go any time I wanted...there was no work to interfer with shopping during the day and I looked forward to getting to do the "stay-at-home-mom" kind of stuff. This worked great...until my child got old enough to crawl out of the cart and run (at about 2 years). It definately became less and less exciting as the weeks went on. Pretty soon, I found that I was dreading going shopping.
Then I came up with the perfect solution...I go every Thursday night and leave the kids with Steve. It is perfect. It's towards the end of the week, so it gives me something to look forward to. And it gives Steve the opportunity to bond with the kids. And I have to say...I love it!!! Every week I appreciate the opportunity to leave for just an hour or so and get a little break from being in the house all day (I actually choose not to go too many's just a lot easier...on me and the wallet). I feel happy and excited that Steve is so willing to let me go and reassures me that I can take my time and not worry about rushing home. The best part is...the kids are always ready for bed, and sometimes even in bed, when I get home. Yes, it is a date with myself, but I love having that time to myself. Some of you may think it's weird that shopping would be such a great "date" for myself, but for some weird reason, I love to shop. No, I don't love to spend money; rather, I love the challenge of seeing how much I can know, what kind of great deals I can get. Maybe that's why I love Black Friday's so much!


DeAnn said...

I wish I could come on date night with you!
In Ohio, our grocery store had babysitting. I'd check in my kids that were 3 and older and pick them up after I checked out. It was the best.

Kat said...

That's awesome. I'm going to start having dates with myself too.

Eliza2006 said...

Hi, Joni! I found your blog via DeAnn's. It was fun seeing your wedding picture and pics of your baby.


Nicole Holmstead said...

Joni, what is this craze that you have started. I loved our "grocery date nights" too, and still love it when I have time to go grocery shopping, also.