Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Yes, The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies, but I wanted to write about another of my favorite things...great deals! I've always loved getting great deals. I guess I enjoy making my "dollar stretch" a little further. Last fall I really got into coupon clipping. I've been amazed at the great deals I can get. For example: 10 bags of Malt-o-Meal cereal for free! Yep, FREE! I recently bought boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $1.30/ lb. Awesome! And just the other day, I bought my daughter 3 pairs of pants for $1 each. I just love a great deal. I would much rather buy something when it is cheaper and stock up on it than to have to pay full price for it. As a result, I've been able to build up our food storage pretty good. We've still got a long way to get to the 2 year supply, but we're working on it.
So, speaking of my favorite things and great deals...I've mentioned before that I've become a digital scrapbook addict. It is so easy to do and fun! I have completed my son's 2 second year album and am working on the third year. The other day I came across a digital scrapbooking website. It's actually a blog that a stay at home mom has and she creates and posts kits on her blog. They are the cutest kits I've come across. The boy kits actually look boyish, not babyish. The best part about can download the kits for FREE! Oh, I was happy about that. I'll admit, it took a while to download all the kits, but it has been worth it. This woman is truly amazing and talented. Thank you Summer!!! (I'll include a link on the side so you can check it out.)