Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Growing up, my mom would always remind to "wear my smile." Yes, it would get annoying, but as I've gotten older, I've realized how valuable a smile is. I've never thought of myself as beautiful (or even kind of cute for that matter) but I've always tried to wear a smile because it didn't matter how goofy my hair looked, what size I was or even what clothes I had on, I have accepted my smile as a way to bring a smile to others.
This morning when my baby woke up from her nap, I went to get her and immediately she started to smile. Of course, I couldn't help but to smile back. Even though she was waking up a little earlier than I had hoped, it just brought so much joy to see that little smile.
I've said it before...I feel so lucky to have 2 kids that smile so easily. It really doesn't take much to get a little grin, a huge smile or even a giggly giggle (if you know what I mean). Smiles bring joy to every one who recieves it!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


At the beginning of my mission in the Netherlands, I became very frustrated that it wasn't anything like I had expected. I had studied the country before leaving and knew that there were windmills, tulips and wooden shoes, but I didn't feel the comfy, cozy atmosphere that I had imagined would be in this beautiful country. As a result, I found myself hoping that something would happen and I would have to go home (silly, I know). I really did want to be there, but I was just struggling to find anything positive. After a couple of weeks, I met with my mission president, President Brewster, and we talked about this "problem." I finally decided that I really needed to start focusing on the positives and felt that if I did, the Lord would bless and help me and I would end up loving my mission.
To help me in focuing on the positive, I started to keep a "positive" journal of sorts. In this journal, everyday I would write down 3 things I loved about the missionary work and 3 things I loved about the country. Sometimes those things were simple, such as seeing a little kitty in a window, or not getting a door slammed in our face while tracting. Other times it was a little bit bigger; like getting in the door to teach a first discussion and seeing the picture perfect setting with an overturned canoe next to a canal with a windmill in the background.
It didn't take long to realize just how blessed I was. I will be forever grateful for that "inspiration" to write those things down. At the end of my 18 months, I found myself not wanting to come home. Even worse...I had to start writing the 3-a-day to help me adjust back to being home.
The point is this...whenever I find myself struggling with something, I start to make my 3-a-day list. It puts things in perspective and I am able to find joy in life.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Reason

Recently I was inspired by a good friends' blog. She started her blog with intentions of writing down all the "Love Stories" in her life. I've enjoyed reading the simple things that bring love into her life. As I've pondered those stories (I have realized I have similar love stories) I have thought about the many things in my own life that have brought me joy. This blog is solely for the purpose of writing down my Love Stories.